They often walk the parking lots at night searching for their next customer and when the cops roll through, they slither back into the shadows. This is the nickname given to prostitutes who hang out in the truck stops. A truck driver wants to avoid running these over at all costs, as the steel belts in the rubber can cause serious damage to tires and brake lines. While this could refer to alligators in some parts of the country, it usually refers to the tread belt of a re-capped tire that has blown and is laying in the road. This word will often be accompanied by adjectives such as “full-grown,” “undercover,” and “female.” These mean DOT officer, unmarked police car, and female officer, respectively. This is truck driver lingo for police officers.
Channel 19 is the “trucker channel” on the CB radio, and before you begin speaking on the the channel, it’s customary to ask for other drivers who may be carrying on a conversation for a break. It is pronounced “breaker one nine” and equates to asking permission to speak on channel 19. This phrase is perhaps the most used trucker quote in all of Hollywood. Here are a few words and phrases you will most likely hear on your CB. A truck driver has his own language within the English language that must be learned if you want to really know what’s going on around you.

Now that you have your new radio, you need to learn how to communicate with other drivers. You can have them really cranked up for about a hundred bucks more, and they will easily hold their own on the road. You can grab one of these radios for about a hundred bucks at most CB shops (used of course) and usually they will already be peaked and tuned for optimum performance. A Cobra 29 will get the job done and save you a bundle of cash too.

When you buy a CB, especially your first one, you don’t need to spend five hundred bucks on it. Your first step will most likely be to purchase a CB radio for your rig. So, you’re a brand new truck driver and you’re excited over having your very own truck assigned to you by your company and now you want to begin making it your very own.