
Boiled egg eyeballs
Boiled egg eyeballs

boiled egg eyeballs

Some Native American tribes believed that “sweat swishing” is the only way to rid yourself of a pesky hangover.

boiled egg eyeballs

This supposed cure is still used in the region, although now they chase it with a glass of tomato juice it’s known as a “Mongolian Mary.” But Mongols from the era of Genghis Khan took it a step further: They prescribed a breakfast of two pickled sheep’s eyes. Many cultures seem to recommend consuming pickled things to cure a hangover-and in Poland, you’re supposed to drink pickle juice straight up. And that’s to say nothing of the bird beak part. Myrrh is normally just used for perfumes and as a tincture, not in its highly pungent resin form, so it’s even odds that eating it would be any better than just going without and suffering the hangover. When folks found themselves hungover in ancient Assyria-which included present-day Syria as well parts of Iraq, Iran, and Turkey-they liked to grind up the beaks of birds and mix them with myrrh, the fragrant resin of the Commiphora tree, and then eat it. While they almost certainly won’t work on your wicked morning-after headache, you’ve got to give some credit for innovation here. Here are some of history's more bizarre attempts to help revelers through the day after a long night out. Unfortunately, although we’ve had since about 7000 BCE to figure this out, the challenge has been met with only moderate success at best. And as long as there have been hangovers, humans have been scrambling to find a cure for them. As long as there has been alcohol-and humans have known about it-there have been hangovers.

Boiled egg eyeballs